Ancient rocks contain evidence of the Earth’s magnetic field. That’s why it’s disconcerting

A 3.7 billion-year-old record of our planet’s ancient magnetism has been unearthed, providing evidence that The Earth’s magnetic field it already existed very early in history. This finding, however, is quite surprising. Rocks approaching 4 billion years old are difficult to find; most were recycled Earthof tectonic activity, sliding into the mantle through subduction zones […]

A Megaraptor emerges from the footprint fossils

Thanks to their reign of terror in “Jurassic Park,” Velociraptors are infamous prehistoric predators. The scythe-like killing machines familiar to viewers, however, are a far cry from their scientific counterparts – and not just because the fictional ones don’t have feathers. In real life, Velociraptors reached the size of a Labrador Retriever and were much […]

Not checking this WiFi setting is like “leaving your front door open” for hackers

We love the Internet. Whether we’re making insomnia-fueled eBay bids on action figures from our childhood, emailing Taylor Swift’s latest conspiracy theory to our best friend, or simply paying the electric bill, being online makes our lives more enjoyable. fun, more connected and much more. Easier. Unfortunately, there are countless thugs who love the fact […]